Reinvest in What Matters Most

Reinvest in what maximizes student outcomes.

You don’t have endless resources. Allocate more to initiatives that drive better student outcomes.

Loved by these districts

Let’s talk K-12 investment with Superintendents

How Abre drives improved K-12
efficiency & cost savings

Is your edtech spend worth the investment?


the average number of edtech tools accessed per district in '22-'23



Estimated cost savings with Abre for school district of 5000 students.

See What’s Working, and What’s Not

Abre allows districts to see what’s working for students, and what’s not.

Data-informed insights will show you where to spend more of your resources, and where to stop spending on methods that aren’t working.

Simplify and Save

Abre consolidates your technology into one platform and helps you save on all unused apps and licenses.

Less headache for teachers and families, and less needless spending for districts.

Empower Your Educators

Teachers and staff can take professional development courses in the same platform where progress in tracked and visualized.