Community Schools

The Whole Child needs the whole community.

Get a true 360° view of your students and connect families, school, and partners on one platform.

Improve access for each and every student.

Get the whole community involved.

It takes a village to support the Whole Child. Abre connects families, staff, admin, and community partners in one place with customizable access so everyone has transparency on how to best support students, together.

See the whole picture.

The Student360™️ consolidates relevant data on all aspects of the Whole Child to help stakeholders identify data-driven proactive measures and interventions you can take today to promote student success both in and out of the classroom.

Easily take a holistic approach.

Abre consolidates and synthesizes your data across all programs and initiatives so you can truly focus on supporting the WHOLE child—instead of just what happens in the classroom.

Align with all 4 pillars of Community Schools.

With seamless partner program integration, wrap-around program maximization, tools to increase family and community engagement, and one centralized place to ensure consistency & alignment across all parties, Abre makes it easy to support the 4 pillars of Community Schools.

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