Cost Savings
Where Tableau falls short:
In order to get a dashboard for insights into the effectiveness of spending and investments across your district with Tableau, you’ll need the help of a data scientist or hours of manual staff effort. Tableau also still requires you to have additional platforms for things like behavior tracking, assessment scores, attendance, and wellness to collect the data in the first place.
How Abre saves costs:
Abre centralizes all your data in one place and works as a partner to build dashboards customized to your needs. This means you can see the impact of your tools, resources, and interventions without the hours of manual data manipulation. With the ability to collect academic, wellness, and additional K-12 data natively, schools that switch to Abre report saving over $850k.
Community Support
Where Tableau falls short:
Tableau and Abre both streamline data collection and analysis, but Tableau isn’t built with the community in mind, making it difficult to share relevant data with community partners and support organizations like counseling, tutoring, and physical health support.
How Abre engages the community:
Abre knows it takes a community to educate a child, so the platform is built with community organizations in mind. K-12 admins and families can easily give a community partner such as a counselor or tutor access to secure student data so that they have the right information and tools to support the child.
Career and Technical Education
Where Tableau falls short:
Tableau’s limited access for community organizations means it’s difficult to track and benchmark student progress with work-based learning partners.
How Abre empowers CTE education:
With Abre, districts can see the full picture of a CTE program and student progress through student portfolios. Portfolios are central to our Student Success (sometimes called “Portrait of a Graduate”) framework. District leaders can also create CTE-specific plans to help students achieve their goals and graduate with the tools necessary for CTE programs.
Strategic Planning
Where Tableau falls short:
Tableau allows districts to build dashboards for strategic goals and track progress, but offers few added tools to execute strategic goals such as assessment creators, curriculum tools, and classroom management tools.
How Abre helps you achieve your strategic plan
Abre not only gives K-12 leaders custom strategic dashboards to create and monitor progress towards district goals, but a suite of features for streamlined execution such as curriculum management, student performance tracking, classroom management, and more.
Where Tableau falls short
Tableau offers districts total customization… so long as the district builds everything themselves. That often requires extra trained staff members whose dedicated role is building new dashboards and visualizations.
Abre’s Data-as-a-Service
Abre wants you to be able to focus on students, not on complex dashboard building. You tell us what you want to see and how you want to see it, and our team of school data experts will build your dashboards for you, and help you understand and interpret the data when you have questions.
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Learn the 4 ways Abre
improves student outcomes