Abre vs Illuminate

The comprehensive alternative to Illuminate

Abre does K-12 assessments and data visualization like Illuminate — but gives you so much more.

Assessment rollouts

Create, assign, and track assessments to students.

Data visualization

Access and analyze data to support student outcomes and improve educational practices.

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Early warning dashboards

Spot struggling students earlier with at-risk alerts based on customized criteria.

Strategic planning dashboards

Bring your district strategic plan into one dashboard to monitor it, track progress, and ensure goals are met.

Cost reduction and consolidation

Cut costs with one platform for your whole staff and easy visibility into which investments are actually giving ROI.

Chronic absenteeism solutions

Monitor a full range of absenteeism risk factors in one platform.

Full stakeholder access

Partner with all stakeholders including students and families by providing permissioned access to student data.

Fast onboarding

We build and launch your first dashboards in 30 days.

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See Abre in action.
Watch the demo video.

Durango City Schools used Illuminate for assessments, then they switched to Abre.

With Abre, they had the features they needed to stop paying for Illuminate + 8 more platforms.

Illuminate: Notable Gaps

Both Abre and Illuminate handle assessements and surveys — so what can Abre do that Illuminate can’t?

Cost Savings

Why Illuminate can’t save costs:

Illuminate is designed to focus narrowly on assessments and surveys, meaning you’ll still need 8 + licenses for other aspects of K-12 data. That creates added work for teachers and staff, further cranking up spending on personnel.

How Abre saves costs:

Abre streamlines assessment rollouts and surveys like Illuminate but offers 20+ additional features. Schools that switch to Abre report saving over $300k annually by canceling extra licenses. With one tool to manage, administrators save nearly 14,000 hours a year, and teachers save 4,200 hours, boosting overall efficiency.

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Early Warning

Why Illuminate can’t spot struggling students early:

Illuminate primarily tracks student progress through assessments, focusing on academic performance updates rather than providing alerts to educators on custom at-risk factors that may indicate future academic struggles.

How Abre spots struggling students early

Abre’s K-12 early warning system consolidates all student data into a centralized hub, expands the criteria beyond traditional metrics like attendance and grades, and allows for customized parameters and alerts to meet the specific needs of different districts.

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Chronic Absenteeism

Why Illuminate can’t lower chronic absenteeism

Illuminate primarily tracks student progress through assessments, focusing on academic performance updates rather than collecting comprehensive Whole Child data that could identify absenteeism risk factors and enable early, targeted intervention.

How Abre lowers chronic absenteeism

Abre utilizes real-time data from all sources to quickly identify students at risk of chronic absenteeism and intervene effectively. It supports targeted intervention plans, ongoing monitoring, and resource allocation, all aimed at reducing absenteeism through active engagement with students, families, and community partners.

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Strategic Planning

Why Illuminate can’t help you achieve your strategic plan

Illuminate’s focus is on a narrow area of K-12 strategic planning: assessment data. With modern K-12 strategic plans involving a wider range of factors, metrics and goals, Illuminate isn’t set up to give admins a focused look at their strategic progress.

How Abre helps you achieve your strategic plan

Abre’s platform gives districts a single source of truth to execute strategic goals. On one platform, you can set up custom data dashboards on any topic, execute strategic goals with a suite of purpose-built tools, monitor progress in real-time, and make adjustments to ensure goals are accomplished.

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K-12 Data and Insights

Why Illuminate can’t help you answer your biggest questions

Illuminate can answer questions about assessment data but doesn’t provide a comprehensive view on grades, investment impacts, and student wellbeing, limiting its usefulness in broader K-12 data intelligence.

How Abre helps you answer your biggest questions

Abre’s K-12 data intelligence uniquely integrates and reports real-time, comprehensive data across academic, behavioral, and wellness aspects on a single platform, enabling schools to make informed, timely decisions that improve student outcomes.​

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Let's talk admin to admin

Hear from other K-12 leaders about why Abre is the perfect data partner:

Loved by these districts

Learn the 4 ways Abre
improves student outcomes

What K-12 admins are saying about Abre

Dr. Melvin Brown, Superintendent
Montgomery City Schools (AL)
“Abre brings all our data together in one place and allows us to customize it to meet our specific needs and those of our community. Unlike many programs that offer a one-size-fits-all approach, Abre gives us a custom solution.”
Dr. Karen Cheser, Superintendent
Durango School District (CO)
“Adopting Abre is one of the best decisions you can make. Abre makes our work more efficient, productive, and effective. It's a one-stop shop that simplifies our work and makes a meaningful impact on our students.”
Dr. Bob Hill, Superintendent
Springfield City Schools (OH)
“Abre helped Springfield City Schools save $850k in staff expenses, allowing the funds and staff to be redeployed towards more meaningful tasks.”
Keith Millard, Superintendent
Batavia Local School District (OH)
“Abre serves as our central hub for essential daily tasks, eliminating the need to visit multiple websites. Staff can start their day on the Abre homepage, streamlining their workflow”
Dean Mader, Director of Federal Programs
Dawson-Bryant Local Schools (OH)
With Abre we spend less time compiling data and more on making informed decisions. This efficiency allows us to document the effectiveness of our interventions and strategies.”
Keith Pomeroy, Chief Academic Officer
Upper Arlington Schools (OH)
“Abre is allowing us to focus on students rather than focusing on preparing the data. We can clearly see the next steps to make processes more efficient for teachers and administrators, which will benefit our students by making them the main focus.”
Dr. Dylan Connell, Chief Academic Officer
Durango School District (CO)
Abre is the kind of partner we want in public education. They are simultaneously experts in their craft and empathetic in their collaboration. Their whole team seeks to understand the kinds of impact we're trying to make for our students locally.”
Jake Richards, Dir. of Curriculum & Instruction
Ross Local School District (OH)
“In my 16 years in education, I've never worked with a company more committed to meeting customer needs. When we requested two professional learning modules mid-year, the Abre team made them a top priority.”
Raechel Purdon, Assistant Superintendent
Blanchester City Schools (OH)
“When we signed with Abre, we expected a solution for our siloed data. We got that AND gained a partnership with data experts who created tailored solutions for our district.
Deann Burns, Director of Technology
Kings Local Schools (OH)
“One of the standout features of Abre is its flexibility. Whether it's managing student data, posting an announcement or reviewing professional development opportunities for our staff, Abre provides customizable solutions tailored to our specific needs.
Laura Spencer, Chief Academic Innovation Officer
Charter School, CA
“Abre helps our teachers stop saying, "I wish I had known that" by centralizing access to a myriad of data points. It paints the full picture of a student in a way that is easily accessible, digestible, and actionable.”
Jamie Shields, Curriculum & Instruction Coor.
BChesapeake UEVSD (OH)
“Abre is a game changer when it comes to early warning. The system allows us to see students and groups of students who need support in the areas of attendance, behavior, course work, testing, and wellness all in one place.